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Steering System In Automobile Engineering

Steering system-A basic understanding It is not possible to run the vehicle always along straight road as road is made as per the topography. Therefore, it is necessary for driver to turn the vehicle now and then as per the road turning. It is purpose of steering wheel and steering column which transmits the rotational motion of steering to steering gears. This steering gear increases the rotational force in order to transmit greater torque to steering linkage which transmits the steering gear movement to front wheel through front axle. The steering system configuration used depends upon the type of vehicle as car or truck. There are mainly 2 types of steering Rack and Pinion type and recirculating ball type   The Function of Steering System:  Is to convert rotary movement of steering wheel into angular turn of front wheel. It helps in swinging the wheels to left and right as per requirements. Absorb large part of the road shocks and prevent them being transmitted to the driver. It pro