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Showing posts from May, 2021

Knowing about the Causes, types of Exhaust of vehicles

As we are aware about the fuels used in our vehicles, its our responsibility to know about it. Like any other machines, IC engines is not 100 percent efficient as a result of incomplete combustion of fuel, smoke formation takes place. More exhaust is generated when rich mixture of fuel is used which may cause the formation of Soot  (black substance due to incomplete combustion of fuel).  While travelling you might have observed smoke coming from exhaust of vehicles, but to add on there quite a few types of smoke coming out vehicles.   Blue smoke  White smoke. Black smoke.  Grey smoke    Blue Smoke : A worn out engine is one of the reason for formation of blue smoke. In Engines there is a component called piston ring. Due to problem in this piston ring. (which prevents excessive consumption of oil) Thus  Blue smoke is formed. White Smoke: Due to engine coolant leak, condensation happens in the exhaust pipe which gets heated during the start of vehicle and results in formation of white

What is gear in our vehicles🤔 ?

You might have observed that a person driving a car will frequently shift gear and as soon as he shifts the gear, there will be a change in vehicle speed. And even if a car has to move in reverse direction gears are used.So now let us learn how shifting gears will help us to accomplish these tasks. Let us consider a vehicle having 5 gears. This information gives a basic idea on the function of each gear. Transmission of  Engine power to required location is done by gear box. Gear box is the second stage transmission system which is used to change speed,torque and transmits the required power from engine to the wheel that is driven. If a vehicle has to run properly,the gear transmission plays a key role.It acts like a regulator which regulates the required power at correct time. Now let us have a look at a simple gear box. Neutral gear: This is a gear which separates the engine from gear box. we can control the wheel by steering but no power will be sent to wheels during this gear. Firs

Is Carburation really required in a petrol engine?

This process is mainly used in a region where Air fuel ratio is low, so it is used Only in petrol engine.It is not used in diesel engine because,the diesel engine uses fuel injector which injects the diesel in high pressure to cylinder.  Carburetor is a device which mixes air and fuel in an appropriate proportion for the combustion process to happen.It mainly does 2 processes. - Atomization and vaporization let us take an example to understand atomization. .. If  food has to be digested it should be broken down  by chewing and then digested.Similarly if a liquid fuel has to be used properly the breaking of fuel is necessary to make sure that it mixes with air properly. Vapourization - As the name indicates, it is a changes the fuel from liquid to vapour. Now let us learn about the parts of a carburetor Float and Float Chamber venturi Throttle valve choke valve Fuel nozzle   Float and Float chamber: As we know the main function of a carburetor is to mix the air and fuel in proper propor

Sneak into the Fuel system of Petrol Engine

After getting to know about the types of engines and their working, its time to understand what makes the engine accept the fuel we supply.  In a  Petrol  engine a component called " Carburetor" prepares a  homogeneous (Uniform) mixture of air and petrol before sending it to the intake valve. The main criteria to be noted is that, the combustible air fuel mixture must be in proper proportion before admitting it to the engine cylinder. This process is known as carburetion. Main reason for an efficient petrol engine is the ratio  Air- Fuel sent into the engine.  So now,let us look at types of Air Fuel Mixture. Stoichiometric or Chemically correct Mixture Rich Mixture  Lean Mixture 1. Stoichiometric or Chemically correct Mixture Chemically correct or stoichiometric mixture is the fuel which has sufficient amount of air for complete combustion of the fuel. The correct air fuel ratio  of petrol engine is 14.7:1 or  15:1 which means 15 parts of air is enough to completely covert

Four Stroke Diesel Engines

  In our previous blog we have discussed  the working of  petrol engine in a simple manner.If you have missed it kindly refer it. Today let's see the working of 4 Stroke Diesel Engine in brief  and simple way. Diesel Engines are also known as Compression ignition Engine because the combustion takes place due to high pressure and temperature caused due to compression so there is no requirement for spark plug. In petrol engine we use a valve for air fuel mixture to enter but in Diesel Engine we use fuel injector is used in place of spark plug.   Now let us take a look at working of 4 stroke diesel engine. Like in petrol engine there are 4 stages of working... Suction Stroke Compression Stroke Power Stroke Exhaust  Stroke      Suction  Stroke : In case of this stroke, inlet valve is open and exhaust valve is closed.The piston is initially at TDC and moves to BDC due to input. In this stage only air is the input to cylinder.Now at this position,the inlet valve is closed. SUCTION ST

Four stroke petrol Engines

                            So in our previous blogs we have discussed about the basic meaning and function of an IC Engine. Please visit the previous blog for a better learning experience .Now let us take a look at the technical working of a 4 Stroke Petrol Engine or Spark ignition engine(SI engine) .... Before getting into the main topic let us understand the meaning of the word "Stroke" and why is it called by that name.Basically if a process has to happen it has to undergo a set of steps or stages of  the  process  a IC engine the stages are known as  "stroke". Now let us see how a 4 stroke IC engine works.... Suction Stoke. Compression Stroke. Power Stroke. Exhaust Stroke. 1. Suction Stroke : During this stroke,the inlet valve(the valve through which air-fuel mixture enters). and the exhaust valve is closed and the piston is top dead Centre (TDC). 2.Compression Stroke: During compression stroke,both inlet and exhaust valve remains closed and piston is Bottom de

What are Automotive Engines....?

     Automotive Engines :Introduction...... we all know that engines are ultimate reason for movement of Vehicles...Now lets find out how an Engine helps the movement of vehicle. Basically an engine is a device that converts one form of energy to another.In vehicles the ultimate aim is to move the vehicle to one position to another. so, the engines in cars,Two wheelers convert the chemical energy(fuel) to thermal energy (heat) that in turn is converted to mechanical energy which results in the movement of the vehicle...  we all know that the mainly vehicle operates in 2 types of Fuel : PETROL& DIESEL. so,there should be two types of engine for these fuels. Petrol Engine Diesel Engine let us see them in detail in upcoming blogs... Before that let us know what makes the engine to process the fuel and makes the movement of vehicle possible.. The engines can be classified into two types... Internal Combustion Engine ( IC  Engine) External combustion Engine  (EC Engine) In Internal co

Types Of vehicle Drive Mechanisms

 Drive Mechanisms: A brief explanation Before knowing about the drive mechanism,let us understand what do we mean by a DRIVE.... DRIVE  is the arrangement (or position) of engine and transmission system in various ways. There are four types of Drives:                                       1.Front Engine Rear wheel Drive.                    2 Front Engine Front Wheel Drive.                    3.Rear Engine and Rear wheel Drive                    4.Four Wheel Drive. 1. Front Engine Rear Wheel Drive:                              This is the most common type of arrangement in 4 wheeled Automobile. Here, engine is positioned in front portion and drive is in back wheel which means the back wheel gets the power during transmission via clutch, gearbox and differential using propeller shaft. 2.Front Engine Front Wheel Drive:             This type of transmission consists of an Engine in front Portion and unlike the previous type, it has the power supplied to front wheels. Which means the mov

General Configuration Of Automobile And Different Systems

The configuration are briefly explained below:                Frame or Chassis               The Engine                The Transmission System: Axles and Wheel ,Suspension system ,cooling system,Braking                      and steering system                                                                                                       complete transmission system of Automobile Now, let us learn about   Frame or Chassis  : It is the  basic structure that holds all the components of the automobile which means all the parts are mounted or placed over this frame.  In a typical vehicle frame the forward portion is occupied by the engine and it is connected to the transmission unit(gear box) by an element called Clutch. The front portion has front axile and back portion has rear axle. The Tyres are connected in front and back portion in order to give balance to vehicle.        The common  Types of frame or chassis are :  X type and box section Frame If we have to compare the chassis


             HISTORY OF AUTOMOBILE           The First Automobile with Otto Cycle (Petrol cycle) was built by Karl Benz from Germany in 1885 and was granted patent  in 1886.. "Development of this great Invension".... Very soon invension of accelerator for speed control and ignition system,clutch,gear shifting mechanism and most importantly radiator cooling system for engine. Later on devoloping the automobile in the year 1888. In 1893  introduction of the first Four Wheeled Automobile which was having a Four stroke engine. Large scale production of automobiles started in 1902. As years went on.. massive scale of automobile production started and revolutionized the industry... Making its importance around the globe. After several modifications and improvements in design of the automobile , the efficiency safety and performance has become the most noticed criteria for automobile enthusiasts.. The Automobile industry made lifestyle advanced and made transportation of people eas